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" Our behavior in the present is not the result of our past experiences. But the experiences of the past have shaped the way we perceive our present. "


—Carl Rogers

Home: Famous Quote
Home: About Therapy

There are as many reasons for seeking psychological support as there are people. There are times when we face obstacles in important areas of our lives, when our interpersonal relationships are at an impasse (relationships with partners, family, friends, professional relationships), we feel stressed or our professional life seems to be difficult for us. Other times we may have a vague, undefined feeling that something is wrong, feel a knot in our stomach, or we sense that something is preventing us from feeling good. Perhaps, we are at a crossroads in our lives and have to make difficult decisions or find solutions to our problems. But perhaps we feel that it is the moment when we would like to pause and get to know ourselves better, a self that we know so well and yet so little.

Whatever the reason for each person, psychotherapy can provide a safe environment in which a person can redefine their relationship with themselves, reconnect with their values, overcome their impasses and find their own path of personal development, a path worth walking.

Home: Services
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Individual psychotherapy is the meeting of two persons, the therapist and the treated...


In a Focusing session the client focuses on and processes an issue or a situation that concerns him...



In group psychotherapy, the session takes place with a whole group of people, coordinated by the therapist...

Working with Laptop


Online sessions are a very useful and modern way to receive psychological support...




Person-centered Psychotherapy

At the core of the Person-centered approach is the human being, who is social, creative and strives to fulfill his potential...

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At the core of the theory of Focusing-experiential approach is the direct and continuous experience, i.e. everything we experience every moment as well as the way we relate...


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  • Are the sessions confidential?
    The therapeutic relationship is based on the principle of confidentiality, as indicated in the code of ethics. This means that the confidentiality of any information provided by the patient is absolutely protected.
  • How long are the sessions and when are they scheduled?
    The duration of each meeting is 50 minutes. The frequency of meetings is recommended to be once a week or once every fortnight.
  • What is the cost of the sessions?
    The cost of the sessions depends on the type of counseling / psychotherapy you will follow (individual or group psychotherapy).
  • How can I find out more details or make an appointment?
    For more information and clarifications you can call +306977819736 or send an email to or fill out the contact form
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